ServiceNow: How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Incident Management
As one of the fundamental aspects of every modern-day enterprise, need-based and scalable IT infrastructure development, along with an organized incident management system, demands meticulous planning and investments made in the right direction. ServiceNow, one of the leading service providers into IT infrastructure management and development offers scalable IT solutions that include incident management, asset management, and IT Cloud-based solutions and many others. Nevertheless, IT administrators and business owners, often, in the wake of building a comprehensive IT infrastructure, commit some common mistakes, at times, at the cost of huge investments, and more importantly, time. But, despite the investments, resources, and the time spent, the infrastructure remains unutilized to the fullest. Therefore, in this view, this blog intends to acquaint you with some common mistakes that you must whilst developing ServiceNow incident management.
The Concept and Impact of Incident Management
Aimed at identifying, analyzing and further correcting the recurrence of a particular disruptive incident, incident management has evolved into a critical area of operation or management for every enterprise. Disruptions caused by an incident could result in failures that could, in turn, have a widespread impact on other functions of the business, and eventually the business as a whole. Incident management, like all the other functional areas, requires planning and scaling that would match the business needs, and that also fits within the organization’s scope of investment. Ignorance or mistakes towards certain factors could result in the loss of priceless time and resources, and therefore, administrators must avoid the following mistakes while they are dealing with ServiceNow incident management.
Common Mistakes to Avoid while Dealing with ServiceNow Incident Management
Over Emphasizing ITIL Compliance
We aren’t denying the significance of ITIL compliance, but referring to the over-emphasis that often takes over other vital business processes and the organization’s objectives. Business involves the end users, the satisfaction of which is important in order to thrive. Ignoring the value of your core business in the wake of ITIL compliance could turn hazardous, as, if the end users and subsequently your stakeholders aren’t happy with the way you’ve been dealing with technical glitches, all your efforts to keep up with the compliance trends, and running the IT infrastructure could go down the drain! Hence, ensure that you focus primarily on the satisfaction of your end users by delivering the levels of services expected out of you.
Treating Incidents in Isolation
Often, incidents are a result of a series of changes or repeated occurrences that take place within a system. Treating every incident in isolation isn’t a prudent practice that refers to looking at the incident from a narrower perspective, and ignoring every impacting factor that surrounds the incident. Conducting problem management is another mistake that administrators commit in place of incident management, which could lead to slow response time to incidents, and result in service disruptions.
Relying too much on Technology
Often, a lot of administrators mistake technology to be a standalone solution to their technical concerns. Remember, technology brings results only when complemented with a strong strategic and human resources muscle power that turns things into reality. Hence, deploying technology, and then leaving everything to it, doesn’t prove to be a great idea. As everything trickles down to the business that is run and retained, technology serves as a channel or a platform that simplifies complications. In the context of incident management that largely involves technology, it is necessary that there are sincere human efforts to curb recurrences, without waiting for or hoping that it is technology to which the task is entirely outsourced.
Doing what Everyone does
Incident management isn’t an exception to the planned and organized approach that is required by every other business function. Obviously, every company follows a specific incident management process, but which is apt in their own context. Business owners must understand the difference here. Following everything that the counterpart does isn’t the right practice. As your company is different, its requirements, end users and their expectations, and therefore the process for incident management could be more or less different. A careful review of the incidents that occur within your infrastructure and then scaling ServiceNow solutions to fit them within the context of your own IT environment should form the course of action. In addition, administrators must also create flexibility to scale up and scale down the infrastructure.
FidelTech – One of the Most Trusted ServiceNow Associates
FidelTech employs a team of qualified and result-oriented ServiceNow professionals that guide clients throughout the ServiceNow incident management process, thus ensuring success at every stage of the project. The team also consults on what works and what wouldn’t in the context of the organization. This helps both the parties design a purely customized service that delivers guaranteed results.