Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing involves the delivery and use of computing resources like applications, databases, analytics, networking, and servers over the internet. It has evolved and proliferated over the years and continues to flourish on account of its commercial, strategic, and numerous tactical benefits.

At FidelTech, we support companies looking to move to the cloud through our range of cloud computing services in Japan. Here’s more to our cloud computing services and solutions.

Our Cloud Computing Services in Japan

We provide the below cloud computing services in Japan to companies from various business domains. Our experts review your needs carefully and comprehensively to recommend the right solution and design and deliver it per your requirements.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Our PaaS offerings provide computing and storage infrastructure and a comprehensive development platform layer with elements like database management systems, web servers, software development kits (SDKs), storage, hosting solutions, environment for server-side scripting, server software, etc.
Our PaaS services simplify software development, relieve you from the burden of upgrading and updating the infrastructure (as we do it for you), and provide location independence to enable remotion working on the same application.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

We provide IaaS solutions that provide your users access to raw computing resources like data storage capacity, processing power, and networking. They would help your users to use the computing power or virtual machines without making many hardware investments or server management. Our IaaS services prove beneficial for companies that look to create cost-effective and scalable IT solutions, where the cost and intricacies involved in managing hardware resources are outsourced to us as the IaaS partner.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS refers to application-level services customized to meet various business needs like business analytics, marketing automation, and customer relationship management (CRM). It incorporates IaaS and PaaS service offerings and is a cloud computing service that provides web-based software applications to clients on demand. As a SaaS provider, we host a comprehensively functional application via a browser-based interface and make it accessible to users via the web. Some benefits of SaaS include no initial setup cost, flexible pay-as-you-go option, automatic and free software updates, and cross-device compatibility.

Why Choose FidelTech for Cloud Computing Services in Japan?

Here are some reasons companies should partner with FidelTech, should they be looking for our cloud computing services in Japan.

Team of Bilingual Cloud Computing Experts:

At FidelTech, we employ bilingual cloud computing experts across various levels of the hierarchy to help you optimize cloud benefits and ensure seamless communication and consulting.

Comprehensive Range of Cloud Computing Services:

We provide a comprehensive range of cloud computing services to cover all the cloud computing needs of our clients and help them derive optimal value from their cloud investments.

Focus on Commercial and Strategic Benefits:

We do not merely focus on technical advantages but help you create a commercial and strategic advantage with our personalized cloud computing services.

Years of Experience:

We’ve been cloud computing service providers for many years. Our success and client satisfaction rate when it comes to results and support, speak for our credibility as cloud computing service providers in Japan.

Continuously Evolving Expertise:

We believe in continuous improvement. And when it comes to the cloud, we understand that complacency cannot work. Accordingly, we continuously upgrade our knowledge and proficiency in cloud computing technologies and stay abreast of new developments.

Please email us at to learn more about our cloud computing services, solutions, and support in Japan.